Frankfurt Orofacial Regenerative Medicine


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Ghanaati, S., Śmieszek-Wilczewska, J., Al-Maawi, S., Heselich, A., Sader, R., After Extraction, Upper Premolars Undergo Programmed Socket Collapse with Development of Cavitations Rather than Complete Socket Healing: A Radiological Study. Bioengineering 202512(2), 128;


Dohle, E., Zhu, L., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., Effect of Liquid Blood Concentrates on Cell Proliferation and Cell Cycle- and Apoptosis-Related Gene Expressions in Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Cells: A Comparative In Vitro Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Dec 3;25(23):12983. doi: 10.3390/ijms252312983.

 Thoenissen, P., Engelmann, T., Heselich, A., Winkelmann, R., Burck, I., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., MRI tumour volumetry as a new staging tool in diagnosis and therapy of oral cancer. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2024 J Craniomaxillofac Surf 2024, Oct; 52 (10): 1140-1147.doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2024.03.012.Epub 2024 Aug 20.

Dohle, E., Parkhoo, K., Bennardo, F., Schmeinck, L., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., Immunomodulation of Cancer Cells Using Autologous Blood Concentrates as a Patient-Specific Cell Culture System: A Comparative Study on Osteosarcoma and Fibrosarcoma Cell Lines. Bioengineering 2024, 11(4), 303;

Nagy, P., Nemeth, F., Ghanaati, S., Heselich, A., Windisch, P., Histological evaluation of edentulous alveolar ridge horizontal bone augmentations using a xenogeneic bone substitute and autologous platelet concentrates: a case series. Quintessence Int. 2024 Mar 19;0(0):0. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.b5104947. Online ahead of print.

Thönissen, P., Najafi, R., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., Volume reduction of vascularized flaps in the field of cranio-maxillofacial surgery: A narrative-style review. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2024. Feb; 52(2): 203-211 doi.10.1016/j.jcms.2023.12.002 Epub 2023 Dec 12.

Cafferata, E.A., Ramanauskaite, A., Cuypers, A., Obreja, K., Dohle, E., Ghanaati, S., Schwarz, F., Experimental peri-implantitis induces neuroinflammation: An exploratory study in rats. BMC Oral Health. 2024 Oct 18;24(1):1238. doi: 10.1186/s12903-024-04995-z.

Dohle E., Schmeinck L., Parkhoo, K., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S. Platelet rich fibrin as a bioactive matrix with proosteogenic and proangiogenic properties on human healthy primary cells in vitro. Platelets 2024 Dec; 35 (1):2316744 doi: 10.1080/09537104.2024.2316744. Epub 2024 Feb 23. PMID: 38390838

Egle K., Dohle E., Hoffmann V, Salma I., Al-Maawi S., Ghanaati S., Dubnika A., Fucoidan/chitosan hydrogels as carrier for sustained delivery of platelet-rich fibrin containing bioactive molecules. Int J Biol Macromol 2024 Mar; 262 (Pt 1): 129651. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.129651. Epub 2024 Jan 25.

Al-Maawi, S., Dohle, E., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., Three Mililiters of Peripheral Blood Is Sufficient for Preparing Liquid Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): An In Vitro Study. Bioengineering 2024, 11(3), 253; doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11030253.

Lorenz, J., Blume, M., Schwarz, F., Weigl , P., Ghanaati, S., Sader, R., Long-Term Peri-Implant Health and Papilla Formation at Healed Sites by Chairside Provisionalization of Single-Tooth Implants: A Prospective Case Series. Int J Prosthodont. 2024 Feb 26;0(0):1-20. doi: 10.11607/ijp.8719. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38408133

Śmieszek-Wilczewska, J., Balicz, A., Morawiec, T., Al-Maawi, S., Heselich, A., Sader, R., Rutkowski, J.L., Mourão, C.F., Ghanaati, S., Effectiveness of Oroantral Communication Closure Using Solid Platelet-Rich Fibrin Compared to a Conventional Treatment Approach: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Oral Implantol. 2024 Jan 29. doi: 10.1563/aaid-joi-D-23-00108. 




Dohle, E., Fecht, T., Wolfram, T., Reinauer, F., Wunder, A., Heppe, K., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J. and Ghanaati, S., In Vitro Coculture of Primary Human Cells to Analyze Angiogenesis, Osteogenesis, and the Inflammatory Response to Newly Developed Osteosynthesis Material for Pediatric Maxillofacial Traumatology: A Potential Pretesting Model before In Vivo Experiments. J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 2023 (1): 1-13

Ghanaati, S. and Heselich, A. „Platelet-rich fibrin“ zur Anwendung in der regenerativen dentoalveolären Chirurgie. (CME) wissen kompakt 2023. 17: p. 91–98

Thoenissen, P., Heselich, A., Burck, I., Sader, R., Vogl, T. and Ghanaati, S. The role of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients' preoperative staging.Front Oncol, 2023. 13: p. 972042.

Mourao, C. F., Lowenstein, A., Mello-Machado, R.C.Ghanaati, S., Pinto, N., Kawase, T., Alves, G.G.  and Messora, M.R., Standardization of Animal Models and Techniques for Platelet-Rich Fibrin Production: A Narrative Review and Guideline. Bioengineering (Basel) 2023. 10(4).

Mourao, C. F., Lowenstein, A., Dos Santos Pereira, R., Ghanaati, S. and Messora, M.R. Re, Does the Use of Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin after Arthrocentesis for Disc Displacement without Reduction Improve Clinical Outcomes? J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023. 81(8): 938.

Kammerer, P. W., Tribius, S., Cohrs, L., Engler, G., Ettl, T., Freier, K., Frerich, B., Ghanaati, S., Gosau, M., Haim, D., Hartmann, S., Heiland, M., Herbst, M., Hoefert, S., Hoffmann, J., Holzle, F., Howaldt, H.P., Kreutzer, K., Leonhardt, H., Lutz, R., Moergel, M., Modabber, A., Neff, A., Pietzka, S., Rau, A., Reichert, T.R., Smeets, R., Sproll, C., Steller, D., Wiltfang, J., Wolff, K.D., Kronfeld, K. and Al-Nawas, B., Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx and Solitary Ipsilateral Lymph Node Metastasis (pN1)-A Prospective Multicentric Cohort Study. Cancers (Basel) 2023. 15(6).

Vorakulpipat, P., Suphangul, S., Fuangtharnthip, P., Ghanaati, S., and Vorakulpipat, C., Combination of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Pentoxifylline/Tocopherol as a Novel Preventive Option in Osteoradionecrosis: A Case Report, 202317(1): 250-254.       


Ghanaati, S. Focus on craniomaxillofacial injuries in trauma patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 2022. 48(4): p. 2511-2512.

Ghanaati, S., Śmieszek-Wilczewska, J., Al-Maawi, S., Neff, P., Zadeh, H.H., Sader, R., et al., Rutkowski, J.L., Solid PRF Serves as Basis for Guided Open Wound Healing of the Ridge after Tooth Extraction by Accelerating the Wound Healing Time Course—A Prospective Parallel Arm Randomized Controlled Single Blind Trial. Bioengineering, 2022. 9(11).

Thoenissen, P., Heselich, A., Deeg, S., Al-Maawi, S., Tanneberger, A., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Extent of Neck Dissection and Cervical Lymph Node Involvement in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Front Oncol, 2022. 12: p. 812864.

Thoenissen, P., Heselich, A., Al-Maawi, S., Sader, R., Ghanaati, S., Hyperspectral Imaging Allows Evaluation of Free Flaps in Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg 34(3): e212-e216, 2023.

Thoenissen, P., Bucher, A., Burck, I., Sader, R., Vogl, T., and Ghanaati, S., Image Fusion Improves Interdisciplinary Communication in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer. J Craniofac Surg, 2022. 33(4): p. e439-e43.

Muhlenfeld, N., Thoenissen, P., Verboket, R., Sader, R., Marzi, I., and Ghanaati, S., Combined trauma in craniomaxillofacial and orthopedic-traumatological patients: the need for proper interdisciplinary care in trauma units. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 2022. 48(4): p. 2521-8.

Al-Maawi, S., Valenzuela, P., Dohle, E., Heselich, A., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Comparison of Different Fixation Methods for Combined Histological and Biomolecular Analysis of Fixed and Decalcified Bone Samples. Methods Protoc, 2022. 5(4).

de Azambuja Carvalho, P.H., Al-Maawi, S., Dohle, E., Sader, R.A., Pereira-Filho, V.A., and Ghanaati, S., Cellular Response of Human Osteoblasts to Different Presentations of Deproteinized Bovine Bone. Materials (Basel), 2022. 15(3).

Ghanaati, S., Focus on craniomaxillofacial injuries in trauma patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg, 2022. 48(4): p. 2511-2.

Al-Maawi, S., Rother, S., Halfter, N., Fiebig, K.M., Moritz, J., Moeller, S., et al., Ghanaati, S., Covalent linkage of sulfated hyaluronan to the collagen scaffold Mucograft(R) enhances scaffold stability and reduces proinflammatory macrophage activation in vivo. Bioact Mater, 2022. 8: p. 420-34. PMID: 34541411

Al-Maawi, S., E. Dohle, W. Kretschmer, J. Rutkowski, R. Sader and S. Ghanaati (2022). "A Standardized g-Force Allows the Preparation of Similar Platelet-Rich Fibrin Qualities Regardless of Rotor Angle." Tissue Eng Part A 28(7-8): 353-365.

Ghanaati, S. and Al-Maawi, S., Biomaterial-induzierter Zellreaktion und ihre Einflüsse auf den Regenerationsprozess. QUINTESSENZ ZAHNMEDIZIN, 2021. 72(4).

Alfayez, E., L. Veschini, M. Dettin, A. Zamuner, M. Gaetani, A. P. Carreca, S. Najman, S. Ghanaati, T. Coward and L. Di Silvio. DAR 16-II Primes Endothelial Cells for Angiogenesis Improving Bone Ingrowth in 3D-Printed BCP Scaffolds and Regeneration of Critically Sized Bone Defects. Biomolecules 2022. 12(11). 

Goeze, A., Zaretsky, E., Lehner, U., Wermter, L., Mayer, M., Stuck, B.A., Ghanaati, S. et al., Hey, C., [Post-operative prevalence of dysphagia in head-and-neck cancer patients in the acute care units]. Laryngorhinootologie, 2022. 101(4): p. 320-6.     

Lehner, U., Zaretsky, E., Goeze, A., Wermter, L., Birk, R., Neff, A., Ghanaati, S. et al., Hey, C., [Nutritional Risk Screening in head-and-neck cancer patients prior to oncological therapy]. Laryngorhinootologie, 2022. 101(8): p. 652-9. 

Lehner, U., Zaretsky, E., Goeze, A., Wermter, L., Stuck, B.A., Birk, R., Ghanaati, S. et al., Hey, C., [Pre-treatment dysphagia in head-and-neck cancer patients]. HNO, 2022. 70(7): p. 533-9. 

Thakur, N., Eibach, M., Ghanaati, S., Weise, L., Seifert, V., Marquardt, G., and Quick-Weller, J., Tissue expansion for challenging DBS hardware erosions in patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain Spine, 2022. 2: p. 101188. 

von der Grun, J., R. Winkelmann, I. Burck, D. Martin, F. Rodel, P. J. Wild, K. Bankov, A. Weigert, I. M. Kur, C. Brandts, N. Filmann, C. Issing, P. Thonissen, A. M. Tanneberger, C. Rodel, S. Ghanaati and P. Balermpas (2022). "Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Oral Cavity Cancer: Predictive Factors for Response and Interim Analysis of the Prospective INVERT-Trial." Front Oncol 12: 817692.


Al-Maawi, S., Becker, K., Schwarz, F., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Efficacy of platelet-rich fibrin in promoting the healing of extraction sockets: a systematic review. International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 2021. 7(1): p. 27. PMID: 34923613

Thoenissen, P., Salewski, D., Heselich, A., Sader, R., Marzi, I., Muehlenfeld, N., and Ghanaati, S., Patterns of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma After E-Scooter Accidents in Germany. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2021. 32(4): p. 1587-9. PMID: 33867518

Tanneberger, A.M., Al-Maawi, S., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Orlowska, A., Kubesch, A., Sader, R., et al., Ghanaati, S., Multinucleated giant cells within the in vivo implantation bed of a collagen-based biomaterial determine its degradation pattern. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2021. 25(3): p. 859-73. PMID: 32514904

Al-Maawi, S., Wang, X.J., Sader, R., Gotz, W., Motta, A., Migliaresi, C., et al., Ghanaati, S., Multinucleated Giant Cells Induced by a Silk Fibroin Construct Express Proinflammatory Agents: An Immunohistological Study. Materials, 2021. 14(14): p. 19. PMID: 34300957

Al-Maawi, S., Dohle, E., Lim, J., Weigl, P., Teoh, S.H., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Biologization of Pcl-Mesh Using Platelet Rich Fibrin (Prf) Enhances Its Regenerative Potential In Vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021. 22(4): p. 15. PMID: 33671550

Ghanaati, S., Volz, K., and Al-Maawi, S., The key role of vitamin D in immune health and regeneration.Implants, 2021. 1.

Al-Maawi, S., Barbeck, M., Vizcaino, C.H., Egli, R., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., et al., Ghanaati, S., Thermal treatment at 500 degrees C significantly reduces the reaction to irregular tricalcium phosphate granules as foreign bodies: An in vivo study. Acta Biomaterialia, 2021. 121: p. 621-36. PMID: 33249227 


Udeabor, S.E., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Al-Maawi, S., and Ghanaati, S., Characterization of the Cellular Reaction to a Collagen-Based Matrix: An In Vivo Histological and Histomorphometrical Analysis. Materials, 2020. 13(12): p. 16. PMID: 32560130

Muhlenfeld, N., Thoenissen, P., Verboket, R., Sader, R., Marzi, I., and Ghanaati, S., Combined trauma in craniomaxillofacial and orthopedic-traumatological patients: the need for proper interdisciplinary care in trauma units. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2020: p. 8.

Lerner, H., Hauschild, U., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up.Bmc Oral Health, 2020. 20(1): p. 18 PMID: 31948414.

Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Al-Maawi, S., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Choukroun, J., and Ghanaati, S., Modification of collagen-based sponges can induce an upshift of the early inflammatory response and a chronic inflammatory reaction led by M1 macrophages: an in vivo study. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2020. 24(10): p. 3485-500. PMID: 32065310

Dohle, E., Scherrieble, A., Doser, M., Al-Maawi, S., Hoss, M., Dauner, M., et al., Ghanaati, S., Co-culture Model for Cutaneous Wound Healing to Assess a Porous Fiber-Based Drug Delivery System. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods, 2020. 26(9): p. 475-84. PMID: 32829670

Albilia, J., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Weisleder, H., Choukroun, J., and Ghanaati, S., Liquid platelet-rich fibrin injections as a treatment adjunct for painful temporomandibular joints: preliminary results. Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 2020. 38(5): p. 292-304. PMID: 30231809

Ghanaati, S., Choukroun, J., Volz, U., Hueber, R., Mourão, C., Sader, R., et al., Al‐Maawi, S., One hundred years after Vitamin D discovery: Is there clinical evidence for supplementation doses? Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent, 2020. 3: p. 3-11.

Ghanaati, S., Al-Maawi, S., Thonissen, P., Tanneberger, A.M., and Sader, R., Pretreatment tumor management. Mkg-Chirurg, 2020. 13(1): p. 61-73.

Ghanaati, S. and Al-Maawi, S., Autologes „platelet-rich fibrin“ zur Unterstützung von Hart- und Weichgewebsheilung. wissen kompakt, 2020. 14: p. 77-87.

Dohle, E., Vorakulpipat, P., Al‐Maawi, S., Schröder, R., Booms, P., Sader, R., et al., Ghanaati, S., Effect of Vitamin D3 on nonmelanoma skin cancer cells: A comparative in vitro study. . Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent, 2020. 3: p. 12-7.

Volz, K., Vergoete, S., Hueber, R., Tietje, J., Wilck, T., and Ghanaati, S., Biologische GBR und Keramikimplantate – Teil 2. Implantologie Journal 2020. 7&8.

Volz, K., Vergoete, S., Hueber, R., Tietje, J., Wilck, T., and Ghanaati, S., Biologische GBR und Keramikimplantate – Teil 1. Implantologie Journal, 2020. 5.

Volz, K., Vergoete, S., Hueber, R., Tietje, J., Wilck, T., and Ghanaati, S., Biological guided bone regeneration and ceramic implants – Part 1. Ceramic implants, 2020. 1.

Ghanaati, S., Volz, K., and Al-Maawi, S., Vitamin D als Schlüsselelement für Immunabwehr und Regeneration. Implantologie Journal, 2020. 9.

Ghanaati, S. and Al-Maawi, S., Die Rolle des PRF in der weichgewebigen Alveolenheilung. DENTALE IMPLANTOLOGIE, 2020. 24(3): p. 142-50.

Al-Maawi, S., Rutkowski, J.L., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., and Ghanaati, S., The Biomaterial-Induced Cellular Reaction Allows a Novel Classification System Regardless of the Biomaterials Origin. Journal of Oral Implantology, 2020. 46(3): p. 190-205. PMID: 32068853 


Zhang, Y.X., Al-Maawi, S., Wang, X.J., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., and Ghanaati, S., Biomaterial-induced multinucleated giant cells express proinflammatory signaling molecules: A histological study in humans.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2019. 107(4): p. 780-90. PMID: 30549210

Willershausen, I., Erbe, C., Al-Maawi, S., Orlowska, A., Wehrbein, H., and Ghanaati, S., Development of a novel histological and histomorphometric evaluation protocol for a standardized description of the mid-palatal suture - An ex vivo study. Journal of Anatomy, 2019. 235(1): p. 180-8. PMID: 30945289

Verboket, R., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Thorwart, K., Booms, P., Bellen, M., Al-Maawi, S., et al., Ghanaati, S., Influence of concentration and preparation of platelet rich fibrin on human bone marrow mononuclear cells (in vitro). Platelets, 2019. 30(7): p. 861-70. PMID: 30359164

Miron, R.J., Pinto, N.R., Quirynen, M., and Ghanaati, S., Standardization of relative centrifugal forces in studies related to platelet-rich fibrin. Journal of Periodontology, 2019. 90(8): p. 817-20. PMID: 30730050

Miron, R.J., Choukroun, J., and Ghanaati, S., Reply from authors: RE: Optimized platelet-rich fibrin with the low-speed concept: Growth factor release, biocompatibility, and cellular response Necessity for standardization of relative centrifugal force values in studies on platelet-rich fibrin. Journal of Periodontology, 2019. 90(2): p. 122-5. PMID: 30548620

Kubesch, A., Barbeck, M., Al-Maawi, S., Orlowska, A., Booms, P.F., Sader, R.A., et al., Ghanaati, S., A low-speed centrifugation concept leads to cell accumulation and vascularization of solid platelet-rich fibrin: an experimental study in vivo. Platelets, 2019. 30(3): p. 329-40. PMID: 29509050

Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Dohle, E., Al-Maawi, S., Booms, P., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., et al., Ghanaati, S., PLATELET-RICH FIBRIN SECRETOME INDUCES THREE DIMENSIONAL ANGIOGENIC ACTIVATION IN VITRO. European Cells & Materials, 2019. 37: p. 250-64. PMID: 30963526

Ghanaati, S., Al-Maawi, S., Conrad, T., Lorenz, J., Rossler, R., and Sader, R., Biomaterial-based bone regeneration and soft tissue management of the individualized 3D-titanium mesh: An alternative concept to autologous transplantation and flap mobilization. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2019. 47(10): p. 1633-44. PMID: 31420282

El Bagdadi, K., Kubesch, A., Yu, X., Al-Maawi, S., Orlowska, A., Dias, A., et al., Ghanaati, S., Reduction of relative centrifugal forces increases growth factor release within solid platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF)-based matrices: a proof of concept of LSCC (low speed centrifugation concept). European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2019. 45(3): p. 467-79. PMID: 28324162

Al-Maawi, S., Mota, C., Kubesch, A., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Moroni, L., and Ghanaati, S., Multiwell three-dimensional systems enable in vivo screening of immune reactions to biomaterials: a new strategy toward translational biomaterial research. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine, 2019. 30(6): p. 6. PMID: 31127377

Ghanaati, S., Mourão, C., Adam, E., Sader, R., Zadeh, H., and Al-Maawi, S., The role of centrifugation process in the preparation of therapeutic blood concentrates: Standardization of the protocols to improve reproducibility. Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent, 2019. 2: p. 41-4.

Ghanaati, S., Al-Maawi, S., Conrad, T., and Sader, R., Regenerations- und Augmentationsverfahren in der Behandlung des atrophen Kieferknochens. QUINTESSENZ ZAHNMEDIZIN, 2019. 70(2): p. 174-85.

Al-Maawi, S., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Orlowska, A., Willershausen, I., Sader, R., Miron, R.J., et al., Ghanaati, S., Biologization of Collagen-Based Biomaterials Using Liquid-Platelet-Rich Fibrin: New Insights into Clinically Applicable Tissue Engineering. Materials, 2019. 12(23): p. 17. PMID: 31810182 


Ghanaati, S., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Al-Maawi, S., Lorenz, J., Miron, R.J., Nelson, K., et al., Sader, R., Fifteen Years of Platelet Rich Fibrin in Dentistry and Oromaxillofacial Surgery: How High is the Level of Scientific Evidence? Journal of Oral Implantology, 2018. 44(6): p. 471-92. PMID: 29870308

Zrnc, T., Metzler, P., Zemann, W., and Ghanaati, S., PRF in dentistry – a short synopsis about implementation and workflow. Swiss Dent J, 2018. 128(9): p. 712-3. PMID: 30196691

Lorenz, J., Kubesch, A., Al-Maawi, S., Schwarz, F., Sader, R.A., Schlee, M., and Ghanaati, S., Allogeneic bone block for challenging augmentationa clinical, histological, and histomorphometrical investigation of tissue reaction and new bone formation. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2018. 22(9): p. 3159-69. PMID: 29524026

Lorenz, J., Korzinskas, T., Chia, P., Al Maawi, S., Eichler, K., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Do Clinical and Radiological Assessments Contribute to the Understanding of Biomaterials? Results From a Prospective Randomized Sinus Augmentation Split-Mouth Trial. Journal of Oral Implantology, 2018. 44(1): p. 62-9. PMID: 29091020

Lorenz, J., Barbeck, M., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Sader, R., Lerner, H., and Ghanaati, S., Injectable Bone Substitute Material on the Basis beta-TCP and Hyaluronan Achieves Complete Bone Regeneration While Undergoing Nearly Complete Degradation. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 2018. 33(3): p. 636-44. PMID: 29543928

Hehlgans, S., Booms, P., Gullulu, O., Sader, R., Rodel, C., Balermpas, P., et al., Ghanaati, S., Radiation Sensitization of Basal Cell and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma by the Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor Vismodegib. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018. 19(9): p. 15. PMID: 30142876

Ghanaati, S., Al-Maawi, S., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Alves, G.G., Calasans-Maia, M.D., Sader, R., et al., Mourao, C.F.D., A Proof of the Low Speed Centrifugation Concept in Rodents: New Perspectives for In Vivo Research. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods, 2018. 24(11): p. 659-70. PMID: 30358494

Dohle, E., El Bagdadi, K., Sader, R., Choukroun, J., Kirkpatrick, C.J., and Ghanaati, S., Platelet-rich fibrin-based matrices to improve angiogenesis in an in vitro co-culture model for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2018. 12(3): p. 598-610. PMID: 28509340

Choukroun, J. and Ghanaati, S., Reduction of relative centrifugation force within injectable platelet-rich-fibrin (PRF) concentrates advances patients' own inflammatory cells, platelets and growth factors: the first introduction to the low speed centrifugation concept. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2018. 44(1): p. 87-95. PMID: 28283682

Chia-Lai, P.J., Orlowska, A., Al-Maawi, S., Dias, A., Zhang, Y.X., Wang, X.J., et al., Ghanaati, S., Sugar-based collagen membrane cross-linking increases barrier capacity of membranes. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2018. 22(4): p. 1851-63. PMID: 29209937

Udeabor, S.E., Adisa, A.O., Orlowska, A., Chia, P.J., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Osteocalcin, Azan and Toluidine blue staining in fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma of the jaws. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 2018. 54(4): p. 693-7.

Udeabor, S., Adisa, A., Orlowska, A., Sader, R., and Ghanaati, S., Assessment of Programmed Cell Death Proteins in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . Afr. J. Biomed. Res., 2018. 21: p. 11-3.

Miron, R., Choukroun, J., and Ghanaati, S., Controversies Related to Scientific Report Describing G-Forces from Studies on Platelet-Rich Fibrin: Necessity for Standardization of Relative Centrifugal Force Values. Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent, 2018. 1(3): p. 80-9.

Ghanaati, S.Einsatz von plättchenreichem Fibrin in der Implantologie. Eine minimalinvasive und autologe Möglichkeit zur Unterstützung der Weichgewebe­ und Knochenregeneration. Quintessenz, 2018. 69(2): p. 184-92.

Al-Maawi, S., Herrera-Vizcaino, C., Dohle, E., Zrnc, T., Parvini, P., Schwarz, F., et al., Ghanaati, S., Homogeneous pressure influences the growth factor release profiles in solid platelet-rich fibrin matrices and enhances vascular endothelial growth factor release in the solid platelet-rich fibrin plugs. Int J Growth Factors Stem Cells Dent, 2018.

Al-Maawi, S., Vorakulpipat, C., Orlowska, A., Zrnc, T.A., Sader, R.A., Kirkpatrick, C.J., and Ghanaati, S., In vivo Implantation of a Bovine-Derived Collagen Membrane Leads to Changes in the Physiological Cellular Pattern of Wound Healing by the Induction of Multinucleated Giant Cells: An Adverse Reaction? Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2018. 6: p. 13. PMID: 30155464 


Wend, S., Kubesch, A., Orlowska, A., Al-Maawi, S., Zender, N., Dias, A., et al., Ghanaati, S., Reduction of the relative centrifugal force influences cell number and growth factor release within injectable PRF-based matrices. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine, 2017. 28(12): p. 11. PMID: 29071440

Udeabor, S.E., Adisa, A.O., Orlowska, A., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Tumor-associated Macrophages, Angiogenesis, and Tumor Cell Migration in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annals of African Medicine, 2017. 16(4): p. 181-5. PMID: 29063902

Lorenz, J., Schlee, M., Al-Maawi, S., Chia, P., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Variant Purification of an Allogeneic Bone Block. Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 2017. 51(2): p. 141-7. PMID: 28827851

Lorenz, J., Lerner, H., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Investigation of peri-implant tissue conditions and peri-implant tissue stability in implants placed with simultaneous augmentation procedure: a 3-year retrospective follow-up analysis of a newly developed bone level implant system. International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 2017. 3: p. 9. PMID: 28875278

Lorenz, J., Blume, M., Barbeck, M., Teiler, A., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Expansion of the peri-implant attached gingiva with a three-dimensional collagen matrix in head and neck cancer patients-results from a prospective clinical and histological study. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2017. 21(4): p. 1103-11. PMID: 27306889

Barbeck, M., Serra, T., Booms, P., Stojanovic, S., Najman, S., Engel, E., et al., Ghanaati, S., Analysis of the in vitro degradation and the in vivo tissue response to bi-layered 3D-printed scaffolds combining PLA and biphasic PLA/bioglass components - Guidance of the inflammatory response as basis for osteochondral regeneration. Bioactive Materials, 2017. 2(4): p. 208-23. PMID: 29744431

Barbeck, M., Booms, P., Unger, R., Hoffmann, V., Sader, R., Kirkpatrick, C.J., and Ghanaati, S., Multinucleated giant cells in the implant bed of bone substitutes are foreign body giant cells-New insights into the material-mediated healing process. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2017. 105(4): p. 1105-11. PMID: 28093892

Adisa, A.O., Udeabor, S.E., Orlowska, A., Sader, R.A., and Ghanaati, S., Evaluation of Tumour Associated Macrophages and Angiogenesis in Ameloblastoma. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2017. 11(9): p. ZC33-ZC5. PMID: 29207829 



  1.  Schwarz F, Mihatovic I, Ghanaati S, Becker J (2016). Performance and safety ofcollagenated xenogeneic bone block for lateral alveolar ridge augmentation and stagedimplant placement. A monocenter, prospective single arm clinical study. Clinical oralimplants research 00, 2016, 1–7.
  2.  Lorenz J, Eichler K, Barbeck M, Lerner H, Stübinger S, Seipel C, Vogl TJ, Kovács AF,Ghanaati S, Sader RA (2016). Volumetric analysis of bone substitute material performancewithin the human sinus cavity of former head and neck cancer patients: A prospective, randomizedclinical trial. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 175-181.
  3.  Adisa AO, Udeabor SE, Kubesch A, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S. (20116). The utility of azan trichromestaining in Ameloblastoma. Niger Postgrad Med J. 2016 Jan-Mar;23(1):44-6.
  4.  Nguyen DH, Pham VTH, Al Kobaisi M, Bhadra C, Orlowska A, Ghanaati S, ManziBM, Baulin VA, Joudkazis S, Kingshott P, Crawford RJ, Ivanova EP .(2016) Adsorption ofHuman Plasma Albumin and Fibronectin onto Nanostructured Black Silicon Surfaces.Langmuir 32, 10744–10751.
  5.  Pham VTH, Truong VK, Orlowska A, Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Booms P, Fulcher AJ, BhadraCM, Buividas R, Baulin V, Kirkpatrick CJ, Doran P, Mainwaring DE, Juodkazis S, CrawfordRJ, Ivanova EP (2016). “Race for the Surface”: Eukaryotic Cells Can Win. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces 8, 22025–22031.
  6.  Marsano A, Medeiros da Cunha CM, Ghanaati S, Gueven S, Centola M, Tsaryk R, BarbeckM, Stuedle C, Barbero A, Helmrich U, Schaeren S, Kirkpatrick JC, Banfi A, Martin I (2016).Spontaneous In Vivo Chondrogenesis of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal ProgenitorCells by Blocking Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Signaling Stem Cells Transl Med.sctm. 2015-0321.
  7.  Barbeck M, Unger RE, Booms P, Dohle E, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2016).Monocyte preseeding leads to an increased implant bed vascularization of biphasic calciumphosphate bone substitutes via vessel maturation. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2928-2935 [Epubahead of print].
  8.  Holländer J, Lorenz J, Stübinger S, Hölscher W, Heidemann D, Ghanaati S, Sader R(2016). Zirconia Dental Implants: Investigation of Clinical Parameters, Patient Satisfaction,and Microbial Contamination. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 855-864
  9.  Lorenz J, Blume M, Barbeck M, Teiler A, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA, Ghanaati S (2016). Expansionof the peri-implant attached gingiva with a three-dimensional collagen matrix inhead and neck cancer patients-results from a prospective clinical and histological study.Clin Oral Investig. 1103-1111 [Epub ahead of print].
  10.  Lorenz J, Barbeck M, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Russe P, Choukroun J, Ghanaati S (2016).Foreign Body Giant Cell-Related Encapsulation of a Synthetic Material Three Years AfterAugmentation. J Oral Implantol. 273-7 [Epub 2016 Jan 29].
  11.  Smeets R, Barbeck M, Hanken H, Fischer H, Lindner M, Heiland M, Wöltje M, Ghanaati S,Kolk A (2016). Selective laser-melted fully biodegradable scaffold composed of poly(d,llactide)and β-tricalcium phosphate with potential as a biodegradable implant for complexmaxillofacial reconstruction: In vitro and in vivo results. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater00B:000–000.


  12.  Barbeck M, Hoffmann C, Sader R, Peters F, Hübner WD, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S(2015). Injectable Bone Substitute Based on β-TCP Combined With a Hyaluronan ContainingHydrogel Contributes to Regeneration of a Critical Bone Size Defect Towards Restitutioad Integrum. J Oral Implantol.127-37.
  13.  Ghanaati S, Kovács A, Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Teiler A, Sadeghi N, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader R(2015). Bilayered, non-cross-linked collagen matrix for regeneration of facial defects afterskin cancer removal: a new perspective for biomaterial-based tissue reconstruction. J CellCommun Signal 3-15.
  14.  Kokkinopoulou M, Spiecker L, Messerschmidt C, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S, Landfester K,Markl J (2015). On the Ultrastructure and Function of Rhogocytes from the Pond SnailLymnaea stagnalis. PLoS One 10(10):e0141195.
  15.  Adisa AO, Udeabor SE, Adeyemi BF, Alica K, Booms P, Ghanaati S, Sader RA (2015). Relative expression of α-smooth muscle actin and matrix metalloproteinases-2 in ameloblastoma
    of a black African sub-population. Ann Afr Med.188-92.
  16.  Udeabor SE, Adisa AO, Lawal AO, Barbeck M, Booms P, Sader RA, Ghanaati S (2015). PTCH-1 and MdM2 expression in ameloblastoma from a West African sub-population: implication for chemotherapeutics. Panafrican Journal of Medicine; 20: 140.
  17.  Schulze B, Meissner M, Ghanaati S, Burck I, Rödel C, Balermpas P (2015). Hedgehog pathway inhibitor in combination with radiation therapy for basal cell carcinomas of the head and neck : First clinical experience with vismodegib for locally advanced disease. StrahlentheOnkol. 192(1):25-31 [Epub ahead of print].
  18.  Barbeck M, Motta A, Migliaresi C, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). Heterogeneity of biomaterial-induced multinucleated giant cells: Possible importance for the regeneration process? J Biomed Mater Res A. 30 [Epub ahead of print].
  19.  Booms P, Harth M, Sader R, Ghanaati S (2015). Vismodegib hedgehog-signaling inhibition and treatment of basal cell carcinomas as well as keratocystic odontogenic tumors in Gorlin syndrome. Ann Maxillofac Surg.14-9.
  20.  Barbeck M, Najman S, Stojanović S, Mitić Ž, Živković JM, Choukroun J, Kovačević P, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). Addition of blood to a phycogenic bone substitute leads to increased in vivo vascularization. Biomed Mater. 11;10(5):055007.
  21.  Dornoff N, Weiß C, Rödel F, Wagenblast J, Ghanaati S, Nateghian A, Rödel C, Balermpas P (2015). Erratum to: Re-irradiation with cetuximab or cisplatin-based chemotherapy for recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol. 191(9):763-4.
  22. Barbeck M, Dard M, Kokkinopoulou M, Markl J, Booms P, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). Small-sized granules of biphasic bone substitutes support fast implant bed vascularization. Biomatter. e1056943.
  23. Dornoff N, Weiß C, Rödel F, Wagenblast J, Ghanaati S, Atefeh N, Rödel C, Balermpas P (2015). Re-irradiation with cetuximab or cisplatin-based chemotherapy for recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Strahlenther Onkol. 191(8):656-64.4.
  24.  Tsaryk R, Gloria A, Russo T, Anspach L, De Santis R, Ghanaati S, Unger RE, Ambrosio L, Kirkpatrick CJ (2015). Collagen-low molecular weight hyaluronic acid semi-interpenetrating network loaded with gelatin microspheres for cell and growth factor delivery for nucleus pulposus regeneration. Acta Biomater. 20:10-21.
  25.  Serrano C, García-Fernández L, Fernández-Blázquez JP, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S, Unger R, Kirkpatrick J, Arzt E, Funk L, Turón P, del Campo A (2015). Nanostructured medical sutures with antibacterial properties. Biomaterials. 52:291-300.
  26.  Antunes JC, Tsaryk R, Gonçalves RM, Pereira CL, Landes C, Brochhausen C, Ghanaati S, Barbosa MA, Kirkpatrick CJ (2015). Poly(γ-Glutamic Acid) as an Exogenous Promoter of Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 21(11-12):1869-85.
  27.  Barbeck M, Udeabor SE, Lorenz J, Kubesch A, Choukroun J, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2014). Induction of multinucleated giant cells in response to small sized bovine bone substitute (Bio-Oss™) results in an enhanced early implantation bed vascularization. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 4(2):150-7.
  28.  Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Kubesch A, Böhm N, Booms P, Choukroun J, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). Porcine Dermis-Derived Collagen Membranes Induce Implantation Bed Vascularization Via Multinucleated Giant Cells: A Physiological Reaction? J Oral Implantol. Dec;41(6):e238-51. (IF= 1,432).
  29.  Boehle AP, Herrmann E, Ghanaati S, Ballon A, Landes CA (2015). Transoral vs. extraoral approach in the treatment of condylar  neck fractures. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. Mar;43(2):224-31.
  30.  Lorenz J, Kubesch A, Korzinskas T, Barbeck M, Landes C, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). TRAP-Positive Multinucleated Giant Cells Are Foreign Body Giant Cells Rather Than Osteoclasts: Results from a Split-Mouth Study in Humans. J Oral Implantol. Dec;41(6):e257-66.
  31.  Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Holthaus MG, Raetscho N, Kubesch A, Booms P, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2015). Porcine Dermis and Pericardium-Based, Non-Cross-Linked Materials Induce Multinucleated Giant Cells After Their In Vivo Implantation: A Physiological Reaction? J Oral Implantol. 41(6):e267-81.


  32.  Tsaryk R, Silva-Correia J, Oliveira JM, Unger RE, Landes C, Brochhausen C, Ghanaati S, Reis RL, Kirkpatrick CJ (2014). Biological performance of cell-encapsulated methacrylated gellan gum-based hydrogels for nucleus pulposus regeneration. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. [Epub ahead of print].
  33.  Willershausen I, Wolf T, Weyer V, Sader R, Ghanaati S, Willershausen B (2014). Influence of E-smoking liquids on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Head Face Med.15;10:39.
  34.  Barbeck M, Udeabor S, Lorenz J, Schlee M, Grosse Holthaus M, Raetscho N, Choukroun J, Sader R, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2014). High-temperature sintering of xenogeneic bone substitutes leads to increased multinucleated giant cell formation: In vivo and preliminary clinical results. J Oral Implantol.
  35.  Balermpas P, Rödel F, Liberz R, Oppermann J, Wagenblast J, Ghanaati S, Harter PN, Mittelbronn M, Weiss C, Rödel C, Fokas E (2014). Head and neck cancer relapse after chemoradiotherapy correlates with CD163+ macrophages in primary tumour and CD11b+ myeloid cells in recurrences. Br J Cancer. [Epub ahead of print].
  36.  Kokkinopoulou M, Güler MA, Lieb B, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S, Markl J (2014). 3Dultrastructure, functions and stress responses of gastropod (Biomphalaria glabrata) rhogocytes. PLoS One. 27;9(6):e101078.
  37.  Ghanaati S, Booms P, Orlowska A, Kubesch A, Lorenz J, Rutkowski J, Landes C, Sader R, Kirkpatrick C, Choukroun J (2014). Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin (A-PRF) - A new concept for cell-based tissue engineering by means of inflammatory cells. J Oral Implantol. [Epubahead of print].
  38.  Udeabor SE, Adisa AO, Kolude B, Barbeck M, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA, Ghanaati S (2014). Expression of CD34 and Maspin in ameloblastoma from a West African subpopulation. Tumour Biol. [Epub ahead of print].
  39.  Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Booms P, Lorenz J, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA (2014). Potential lack of "standardized" processing techniques for production of allogeneic and xenogeneic bone blocks for application in humans. Acta Biomater. Apr 22. pii: S1742-7061(14)00185-8. [Epub ahead of print].
  40.  Landes C, Ballon A, Ghanaati S, Tran A, Sader R (2014). Treatment of Malar and Midfacial
    Fractures With Osteoconductive Forged Unsintered Hydroxyapatite and Poly-L-Lactide
    Composite Internal Fixation Devices. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. Feb 21. pii: S0278-
    2391(14)00238-9. [Epub ahead of print].
  41.  Willershausen I, Barbeck M, Boehm N, Sader RA, Willershausen B, Kirkpatrick CJ, Ghanaati S (2014). Non-cross-linked collagen type I/III materials enhance cell adhesion and proliferation: In vitro, in vivo and ex vivo studies. J Appl Oral Sci. 2; 22(1):29-37.
  42.  Landes CA, Ballon A, Tran A, Ghanaati S, Sader R (2014). Segmental stability in orthognathic surgery: Hydroxyapatite/Poly-l-lactide osteoconductive composite versus titanium miniplate osteosyntheses. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 21. pii: S1010-5182(14)00014-6.
  43.  Ghanaati S, Lorenz J, Obreja K, Choukroun J, Landes C, Sader R (2014). Nanocrystaline hydroxyapatatite-based material contributes to implant stability already after three month: A Clinical and radiological 3 year follow- up investigation. J Oral Implantol. 40(1):103-9.


  44.  Landes C, Korzinskas T, Dehner JF, Santo G, Ghanaati S, Sader R (2013). One-stage microvascular mandible reconstruction and alloplastic TMJ prosthesis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2014 42(1):28-34.
  45.  Landes C, Ballon A, Ghanaati S, Ebel D, Ulrich D, Spohn U, Heunemann U, Sader R, Jaeger R (2013). Evaluation of the Fatigue Performance and Degradability of Resorbable PLDLLA-TMC Osteofixations. Open Biomed Eng J. 29;7:133-46.
  46.  Kirkpatrick CJ, Ramzan Rangoonwala R, Reshetnykov M, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S (2013). Non-Equivalence of Antibiotic Generic Drugs and Risk for Intensive Care Patients. Pharmaceut Reg Affairs 10.4172/2167-7689.1000108.
  47.  Ravarian R, Zhong X, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S, Kirkpatrick CJ, Chrzanowski W, Dehghani F (2013). Poly(methyl methacrylate)-Bioglass Class II Hybrid With Enhanced Physical Properties and Biological Activity. ACS Nano. 22;7(10):8469-83.
  48.  Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Stuebinger S, Seitz O, Landes C, Kovács A, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader R (2013). Synthetic bone substitute material comparable to xenogeneic material for bone tissue regeneration in oral cancer patients: first and preliminary histological, histomorphometrical and clinical results, Ann Maxillofac Surg. 3(2):126-38.
  49.  Landes CA, Ghanaati S, Ballon A, Thai VD, Reinhard R, Nolte D, Piwowarczyk A, Wagner M, Sader R (2013). Severely Scarred Oronasal Cleft Defects in Edentulous Adults: Initial Data on the Long-Term Outcome of Telescoped Obturator Prostheses Supported by Zygomatic Implants. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 50(4):e74-83.
  50. Ghanaati S, Udeabor SE, Barbeck M, Willershausen I, Kuenzel O, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ (2013). Implantation of silicon dioxide-based nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and pure phase beta-tricalciumphosphate bone substitute granules in caprine muscle tissue does not induce new bone formation. Head Face Med.


  51.  Ghanaati S (2012). Non-cross-linked porcine-based collagen I-III membranes do not require high vascularization rates for their integration within the implantation bed: a paradigm shift. Acta Biomater; 8 (8): 3061-72.
  52.  Willershausen I, Lehmann KM, Roβ A, Ghanaati S, Willershausen B (2012). Influence of three scan spray systems on human gingival fibroblasts. Quintessence Int; 43 (6): e67-72.
  53.  Schlee M*, Ghanaati S*, Willershausen I, Stimmlmayr M, Sculean A, Sader RA (2012). Bovine pericardium based non-cross linked collagen matrix for successful root coverage, a clinical study in human. Head Face Med; 8 (): 6. (*equally contributed).
  54.  Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Detsch R, Deisinger U, Hilbig U, Rausch V, Sader R, Unger RE, Ziegler G, Kirkpatrick CJ (2012). The chemical composition of synthetic bone substitutes influences tissue reactions in vivo: histological and histomorphometrical analysis of the cellular inflammatory response to hydroxyapatite, beta-tricalcium phosphate and biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics. Biomed Mater; 7 (1): 015005.
  55.  Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Willershausen I, Thimm B, Stuebinger S, Korzinskas T, Obreja K, Landes C, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA (2012). Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Bone Substitute Leads to Sufficient Bone Tissue Formation Already after 3 Months: Histological and Histomorphometrical Analysis 3 and 6 Months following Human Sinus Cavity Augmentation. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 17. doi: 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2011.00433.x.
  56.  Landes CA, Bündgen L, Laudemann K, Ghanaati S, Sader R (2012). Patient Satisfaction After Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Bone-Grafted Alveolar Clefts With Nonsubmerged ITI Straumann Dental Implants Loaded at Three Months. Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; 49 (5): 601-8.


  57.  Ghanaati S*, Unger RE*, Webber MJ, Barbeck M, Orth C, Kirkpatrick JA, Booms P, Motta A, Migliaresi C, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ (2011). Scaffold vascularization in vivo driven by primary human osteoblasts in concert with host inflammatory cells. Biomaterials; 32 (32): 8150-60. (*equally contributed).
  58.  Ghanaati S*, Barbeck M*, Hilbig U, Hoffmann C, Unger RE, Sader RA, Peters F, Kirkpatrick CJ (2011). An injectable bone substitute composed of beta-tricalcium phosphate granules, methylcellulose and hyaluronic acid inhibits connective tissue influx into its implantation bed in vivo. Acta Biomater; 7 (11): 4018-28. (equally contributed).
  59.  Ghanaati S*, Fuchs S*, Webber MJ, Orth C, Barbeck M, Gomes ME, Reis RL, Kirkpatrick CJ. (2011). Rapid vascularization of starch-poly(caprolactone) in vivo by outgrowth endothelial cells in co-culture with primary osteoblasts. J Tissue Eng Regen Med; 5 (6): e136-43. (*equally contributed).
  60.  Ghanaati S, Schlee M, Webber MJ, Willershausen I, Barbeck M, Balic E, Görlach C, Stupp SI, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ (2011). Evaluation of the tissue reaction to a new bilayered collagen matrix in vivo and its translation to the clinic. Biomed Mater; 6 (1): 015010.


  61.  Ghanaati S*, Willershausen I*, Barbeck M, Unger RE, Joergens M, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ, Willershausen B (2010). Tissue reaction to sealing materials: different view at biocompatibility. Eur J Med Res; 15 (11): 483-92. (*equally contributed).
  62.  Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Orth C, Willershausen I, Thimm BW, Hoffmann C, Rasic A, Sader RA, Unger RE, Peters F, Kirkpatrick CJ (2010). Influence of β-tricalcium phosphate granule size and morphology on tissue reaction in vivo. Acta Biomater; 6 (12): 4476-87.
  63.  Unger RE*, Ghanaati S*, Orth C, Sartoris A, Barbeck M, Halstenberg S, Motta A, Migliaresi C, Kirkpatrick CJ (2010). The rapid anastomosis between prevascularized networks on silk fibroin scaffolds generated in vitro with cocultures of human microvascular endothelial and osteoblast cells and the host vasculature. Biomaterials; 31 (27): 6959-67.(*equally contributed).
  64.  Ghanaati S, Orth C, Barbeck M, Willershausen I, Thimm BW, Booms P, Stübinger S, Landes C, Sader RA, Kirkpatrick CJ (2010). Histological and histomorphometrical analysis of a silica matrix embedded nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute using the subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats. Biomed Mater; 5 (3): 035005.
  65.  Ghanaati S*, Thimm BW*, Unger RE, Orth C, Kohler T, Barbeck M, Müller R, Kirkpatrick CJ (2010). Collagen-embedded hydroxylapatite-beta-tricalcium phosphate-silicon dioxide bone substitute granules assist rapid vascularization and promote cell growth. Biomed Mater; 5 (2): 25004. (equally contributed).
  66.  Ghanaati S*, Orth C*, Unger RE, Barbeck M, Webber MJ, Motta A, Migliaresi C, James Kirkpatrick C (2010). Fine-tuning scaffolds for tissue regeneration: effects of formic acid processing on tissue reaction to silk fibroin. J Tissue Eng Regen Med ; 4 (6): 464-72.(*equally contributed).
  67.  Seitz O, Harth M, Ghanaati S, Lehnert T, Vogl TJ, Sader R, Klein CM (2010). Secondary mandibular reconstruction after oral squamous cell carcinoma resection: clinical reevaluation of transport disk distraction osteogenesis. J Craniofac Surg; 21 (1): 59-63.


  68.  Ghanaati S*, Webber MJ*, Unger RE, Orth C, Hulvat JF, Kiehna SE, Barbeck M, Rasic A, Stupp SI, Kirkpatrick CJ (2009). Dynamic in vivo biocompatibility of angiogenic peptide amphiphile nanofibers. Biomaterials; 30 (31): 6202-12. (*equally contributed).
  69.  Joachim SC, Grus FH, Kraft D, White-Farrar K, Barnes G, Barbeck M, Ghanaati S, Cao S, Li B, Wax MB (2009). Complex antibody profile changes in an experimental autoimmune glaucoma animal model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci; 50 (10): 4734-42.
  70.  Stübinger S*, Ghanaati S*, Saldamli B, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader R (2009). Er:YAG laser osteotomy: preliminary clinical and histological results of a new technique for contact-free bone surgery.Eur Surg Res.;42(3):150-6. (IF=0, 750). (*equally contributed).
  71.  Stübinger S*, Ghanaati S*, Orth C, Hilbig U, Saldamli B, Biesterfeld S, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA (2009). Maxillary sinus grafting with a nano-structured biomaterial: preliminary clinical and histological results. Eur Surg Res. 42(3):143-9.(*equally contributed).
  72.  Fuchs S, Jiang X, Schmidt H, Dohle E, Ghanaati S, Orth C, Hofmann A, Motta A, Mgliaresi C, Kirkpatrick CJ (2009). Dynamic processes involved in the pre-vascularization of silk fibroin constructs for bone regeneration using outgrowth endothelial cells. Biomaterials; 30 (7): 1329-38.
  73.  Fuchs S*, Ghanaati S*, Orth C, Barbeck M, Kolbe M, Hofmann A, Eblenkamp M, Gomes M, Reis RL, Kirkpatrick CJ (2009). Contribution of outgrowth endothelial cells from human peripheral blood on in vivo vascularization of bone tissue engineered constructs based on starch polycaprolactone scaffolds. Biomaterials; 30 (4): 526-34.(*equally contributed).